Liesbeth De Donder
Education: Licentiate in Adult Educational Sciences, PhD in Educational Sciences, option Adult Educational Sciences
Research themes: Social participation and inclusion, participatory research methodologies, learning in detention
Varia: Chairwoman of Klasbak vzw (Network for education in Flemish and Brussels prisons)
Liesbeth De Donder is Professor in Adult Educational Sciences where she teaches the courses “Participation to Civil Society and Community Development” and three courses on “Research Methodology”. Her research focuses on 1) Participation and learning in detention (formal, non-formal and informal education of prisoners), 2) Social gerontology (social participation and inclusion of older adults, active caring communities, safety and elder mistreatment), 3) with a particular interest in participatory methodologies (peer-research, co-construction and action research). She is also the president of Klasbak (Flemish branch of the “European Prison Education Association”).
Pleinlaan 2
Building B
1050 Etterbeek