Solace@work at FERM: inauguration of a place of solace at work
Much is moving in society around bereavement and mourning. So on 20 October, Ferm opened a place of solace in the garden of its headquarters in Wijgmaal. With COCO, we were also present, to help endorse why we think the focus on serious illness, dying and loss in our society is so important.Inspirational guide for places of solace
Inspirational guide for places of solace (BE) (Link in dutch) In collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Ferm organized a study to gain more insight into what is going on around places of solace, what activities are organized and what is needed.EU-CoWork
A significant proportion of employees will encounter end-of-Life experiences during their professional life. Such experiences affect employees and their colleagues’ health and wellbeing, but also the work environment in terms of productivity and safety.Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2023 call for Postdoctoral Fellowships
VUB Compassionate Communities centre of expertise (COCO) invites postdoctoral candidates to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF). This call is now open and will close on 13 September 2023.PODCAST OVER COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITIES EN COMPASSIONATE WORKPLACES
Deborah De Moortel en Steven Vanderstichelen spreken in de 'Welgemeend' podcast over compassionate communities en compassionate workplaces In de podcast 'Welgemeend' (BE) (Link) spreekt Franne Mullens met verschillende experten uit heel diverse domeinen over them...Opening FIKA house in Bruges
Together with 'Bald is also a haircut', the Fika House presents a two-part podcast 'Fika Encircles', about living with and after illness and about the shaky balance between being sick and healthy.Blog publication: What Compassionate Communities can learn from Caring Neighbourhoods
In a recently published blog for the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), our colleague Prof.In memoriam Caroline Pauwels (1964 - 2022)
Enlightenment, connection and wonder: Caroline Pauwels (1964-2022) Honorary rector Caroline Pauwels is no longer with us. She passed away last week, Friday 5 August, just one day after fellow honorary rector Paul De Knop.In memoriam Paul De Knop (1954 - 2022)
On Thursday 4 August, our Honorary Rector Paul De Knop passed away. Everyone who met him was impressed by his powerful personality, his drive, his vision and his dry, straightforward sense of humour. He passionately loved his university and the VUB community.'Illness and grief deserve attention in caring neighborhoods'
"Themes such as grief, dying and serious illness are part of life. Yet we find it difficult to talk about them, let alone deal with them.Compassionate Communities: A global expansion
In his entry for the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) blog, COCO researcher Bert Quintiens introduces the background to the longer article selected as ‘Editor’s Choice’ in the March 2022 issue of Palliative Medicine. "It is increasingly recognised...Sterven in de 21ste eeuw, een verhaal van pijnlijke tegenstellingen
[English below] In het kader van Wereldkankerdag en de publicatie van het rapport van de Lancet Commission on the Value of Death, schreef prof. Luc Deliens een opiniestuk in De Morgen.Report of the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death: Bringing death back into life
"The story of dying in the 21st century is a story of paradox. COVID-19 has meant people have died the ultimate medicalised deaths, often alone in hospitals with little communication with their families."Mortals - Better living together with death" (Dutch Council for Public Health & Society)
[Dutch below] The Dutch Council for Public Health and Society published an inspirational advice about living together with death. The advice considers whether and how this is possible and where this leads to problems.Emotional themes negotiable through pilot project 'Compassionate Herzele'
On 11 October 2021, Herzele aldermen Hilde Van Impe and Benjamin Rogiers kicked off the Compassionate Herzele project.Bereavement leave in Belgium to be expanded from three to ten days
"The bereavement leave will soon be extended from three to ten days. On Wednesday, the House Committee on Social Affairs unanimously gave the green light for a bill to that effect. Relatives will be able to take those days flexibly, within the year after the death.Steven Vanderstichelen @ VUB Today: Conscious treatment of end-of-life care
COCO Coördinator Steven Vanderstichelen was interviewed for The World Needs You, a project by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Please find the article here at VUB Today: EN: Communities as response to the limitations of the palliative care professional services
Prof. Luc Deliens published a blog on the Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care (TransForm), discussing Compassionate Communities as a response to the limitations of the palliative care professional services. Despite its achievements, prof.
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Compassionate Week at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
We are excited to announce the 'Compassionate Week' organized by the Compassionate University, taking place from November 13-16 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
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6th COCO Seminar: Grieving in public places
The VUB Compassionate Communities centre of expertise (COCO) is pleased to invite you to their 6th open seminar. This seminar is entirely dedicated to grieving in public spaces.
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5th COCO seminar: The Value of Death
The VUB Compassionate Communities centre of expertise (COCO) is pleased to invite you to their 5th open seminar. This seminar is entirely dedicated to the Lancet Commission's 2022 report on the Value of Death.
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Coffee and Connectedness
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Werk mee aan VUB-onderzoek naar werkbaar werk - Working 9 to 5
Op 13 juni organiseert de VUB een netwerkevent over werkbaar werk. Vier arbeidssociologen stellen er kort hun meest recente onderzoeksresultaten voor, waarna je kunt deelnemen aan een van de rondetafelgesprekken.
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Discussion evening: "Mourning after corona: meaningful remembrance"
[Event in Dutch only]
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COCO at the 7th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference
The Compassionate Communities Centre of Expertise will be well represented at the upcoming Public Health Palliative Care International Conference! Check the programme below if you don't want to miss any of our keynotes, free communications or workshops.
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4th COCO seminar - Masterclass Translational Research by prof. Janis Whitlock (in collaboration with BRUCC)
The VUB Compassionate Communities Centre of Expertise (COCO) would like to invite you to the 4th COCO seminar.
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Knooppuntenfestival in Brugge [node festival in Bruges]
[English below]
Van 17 tot 25 september 2022 organiseert Compassionate Brugge, in tandem met het wereldcongres Public Health Palliative Care International, in Brugge het Knooppuntenfestival - een stadsfestival rond rouw en verlies.
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3rd COCO Seminar: An Hooghe - Grieving at work [Dutch event]
An Hooghe – Grieving at work [EN]
Update: the seminar has been moved online. You will receive a Zoom invitation after registering.
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Determining the future research priorities in public health palliative care - Open meeting
About this event
The Reference Group Public Health Palliative Care invites you to an open meeting to brainstorm the future PHPC research priorities in Europe
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Compassionate Schools: 1st open COCO seminar online
The VUB Compassionate Communities center of expertise (COCO) invites you to their first open seminar. The seminar is entirely dedicated to Compassionate Schools.
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Compassionate Art & Design: 2nd open COCO seminar online
The VUB Compassionate Communities center of expertise (COCO) would like to invite you to their 2nd open seminar. The seminar is entirely dedicated to Compassionate Art & Design.
- Practical info-
PHPCI 2022: 7th International Public Health Palliative Care Conference