Ruth Raes
Facilitator/coach of the Compassionate City project
Ruth Raes is a professional coach and consultant. As a guide in learning and change processes, the quintessence of her style is to trigger awareness. For over twenty years, Ruth also holds leadership positions. Today, she manages Netwerk Levenseinde, homecare network in palliative care. She is a transition coach in the change process in first line healthcare and welfare in Flanders and president of the ‘Eerstelijnszone Vlaamse Ardennen’. Co-founder of Villa Rozerood. Previous positions at Quintessence Consulting, Ogilvy Group, Alcatel and Vlerick Business School. Ruth holds a master-degree both in business management (Vlerick Business School) and public administration and management (UGent).
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette