Sarah Dury
Sarah Dury started as a tenure track assistant professor in Adult Educational Sciences in October 2020 after being a postdoc research fellow at the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and has been part of the SARLab research team since 2008. She received her PhD in March 2015 on a doctorate titled 'Volunteering in later life: A focus on context'. Her research focuses on participation, social inclusion, and compassionate communities. She has been involved in several local, national and European research projects. At the moment she co-supervises a project CIVISANO (2019-2021), which aims to develop healthy communities through participatory research and community capacity building with Sciensano and a European More Years Better Lives called CIVEX on exclusion from CIVic engagement of a diverse older population: Features, experiences and policy implications (2021-2024). She also coordinates an Erasmus+ project See Me (Social inclusion through Meaningful ageing) on how to improve the quality of care and social inclusion for older adults. She is a partner of an H2020 project (2019-2023) and supervises five PhD students. Sarah teaches the course co-creation, social design and innovation. She is a board member of the Time Bank in Brussels Neighborhood Pension which focuses on vulnerable people to continue to live qualitatively at home in an urbanized context.
Pleinlaan 2
Building B
1050 Etterbeek