Tinne Smets
MSc, PhD - Communication Scientist
Tinne Smets is Assistant Professor and senior researcher at the End-of-Life Care research group. She holds a masters’ degree in Communication Sciences, a candidates’ degree in Law, and a PhD in Social Health Sciences. Tinne conducted her PhD research on the medical practice of euthanasia in Belgium as part of a larger research project (“Monitoring the Quality of End-of-Life care in Flanders”, IWT-SBO, 2006-2010). As a senior researcher and member of the coordinating management team, she is currently involved in CAPACITY “Flanders project to develop capacity in palliative care across society” (FWO-SBO 2019-2023), and she is promotor of the study “Development, implementation and evaluation of the Nursing home Care Programme for the Last days of Life” (Kom op Tegen Kanker, 2019-2023). In the past, Tinne was member of the coordinating management team of PACE “Palliative Care for Older People”, a collaborative research project involving 12 EU partners, funded under the EU FP7 Health programme and of FLIECE “Flanders Study to Improve End-of-Life care and Evaluation Tools” study (IWT-SBO, 2011-2015).
Laarbeeklaan 103
Gebouw K, ZRL
1090 Jette