The VUB Compassionate Communities center of expertise (COCO) invites you to their first open seminar. The seminar is entirely dedicated to Compassionate Schools.
Compassionate Communities are environments that acknowledge that caregiving in times of serious illness, death, dying and loss is not only a task for professional healthcare, but it is everyone’s responsibility. Experiences of serious illness, death, dying and loss are first and foremost considered as social challenges, to which the immediate environment should respond.
In this seminar we explore how schools and educational institutions can be Compassionate Communities and how training can stimulate compassion. We will exchange insights from research and practice and hope to learn from each other through constructive discussions.
Keynote speakers at the seminar are dr. Sally Paul (University of Strathclyde – UK) and prof. dr. Filip Van Droogenbroeck (VUB).
The seminar will take place on Wednesday 23 September 2020, from 13h to 16h (CET). It will be held digitally via Zoom. Participation is free, but registration is obligatory. Those interested in joining the seminar can register by contacting Sarah Dury at sdury@vub.be.